I've started construction of just such a water tank, building from scratch of course.
If all goes well, the finished product will look something like this:
The walls are my standard matte board with board-by-board plank siding.
The base of the tank is hexagonal, six walls attached to a matte board floor and ceiling:
The door and windows? Yep, built from scratch. I sort of have the window thing down to a science.
And, last but not least, there's the tank itself. I needed something round and sturdy (and cheap).
Round? Yes. Sturdy? Yes. Prototypical? Not quite. At least, not until I stripped off the labels and planked the exterior. Board by board, of course.
It's starting to look like a water tank! Needs a roof...
Up next - some shingles, a water spout, the other assorted details typically found on a water tank. Oh, and lots and lots of weathering. Stay tuned!