Friday, December 31, 2010

First scratchbuild underway

This afternoon I started working on the first structure - Johnson's Produce.  The floor & loading dock is complete, built using matte board, balsa strips, and a textured stone paper.  This is my first ever scratchbuilt structure.  My thoughts on the process so far?  It's tedious, time-consuming, aggravating, frustrating, and the most fun I've had in a while, the afternoon flew by.  Now to do something about the CA glue that is all over my fingertips...

A suggestion of what it will look like when finished, although the building will be slightly smaller, to fit on the platform, and I decided to make it shorter, about half the height of this mockup.


  1. Tracy, it looks like you are off to a good start. How well does the dock line up with the car doors?

  2. Thanks Karl... Right now, it's 1 scale foot too tall to line up with the car doors. I purposely built the "legs" 1 foot taller than neccessary, because I will be (hopefully today) mounting this to a permanent base, into which the legs will sink about 1 foot. I want to be able to remove the structure intact when I eventually move it to the future larger layout.
